What's New
- Gesture to split task - a new more efficient way to plan.
- Option to animate the editing boxes in the outline list.
- Context-menu to clear recent list in the welcome window.
Split Task
QuickPlan for macOS 5.1 starts to support split task by gesture.
- ⌘ + Mouse Click ("Command" + "Left Mouse Click" on a task) to split the task to two tasks at the day of the point.
- ⌘ + ⌥ + Mouse Click ("Command" + "Option" + "Left Mouse Click" on a task) to split the task to two tasks at the day of the point, and link the two tasks.

Editing boxes animation in the outline list.
There is an option to control if need to animate the display of the editing boxes in the outline list.

Clear recent project list
Right-click to clear the recent list. QuickPlan runs in the sandbox enviorment, which has no permission to scan and delete the .qpp files on your Mac. The projects shows in the recent list are the project files opened recently - Clearing recent list does NOT delete the .qpp file on your Mac.